One Shot Ultra 7


One shot ultra 7 cattle vaccine for sale

Buy one shot ultra 7 injection for vaccination of healthy cattle and sheep as an aid in preventing blackleg caused by Cl. chauvoei, malignant oedema


One Shot Ultra 7

One Shot Ultra 7 is effective for vaccination of healthy cattle against disease caused by Clostridium chauvoeiCl. septicumCl. novyiCl. sordelliiCl. perfringens Types B, C and D, and respiratory disease caused by Mannheimia haemolytica Type A1. Calmagine 100ml


One Shot Ultra 7 Indications

Helps protect against diseases caused by the clostridial agents Clostridium chauvoei; Cl. septicum; Cl. novyi; Cl. sordellii; and Cl. perfringens Types B, C and D; and bovine pneumonia caused by M. haemolytica Type A1.

How it Works

The freeze-dried component is a preparation of inactivated whole cultures of M. haemolytica propagated to increase the production of leukotoxin and capsular and cell-associated antigens. The liquid component consists of killed, standardized cultures of Cl. chauvoei, Cl. septicum, Cl. novyi, Cl. sordellii, and Cl. perfringens types C and D, with a special, water-soluble adjuvant (Stimugen) to enhance the immune response.
What is it Used for?
  • Helps protect against seven clostridial diseases (including diseases caused by CI. perfringens Types B, C and D), which continue to be of economic importance in cattle. Clostridium bacteria are universally present and produce potent toxins that can result in rapid death of otherwise healthy animals. Although Cl. perfringens type B is not a significant problem in North America, immunity is provided by the beta toxoid of type C and the epsilon toxoid of type D.
  • Helps protect against the primary cause of respiratory death in cattle; shipping fever and pneumonia caused by M. haemolytica Type A1.

How Effective is it?

Efficacy of the M. haemolytica fraction in ONE SHOT ULTRA® 7 was demonstrated in a challenge-of-immunity study. Cattle (300-550 pounds) vaccinated with one dose of ONE SHOT ULTRA 8 were subjected to severe experimental challenge at two weeks post-vaccination with a heterologous strain of M. haemolytica Type A1. Four days post-challenge, animals were necropsied and individual lungs were evaluated for lung damage and lesions characteristic of M. haemolytica Type A1 infection. Vaccinates demonstrated a statistically significant reduction (82.6%) in lung damage compared with animals receiving a placebo. Immunogenicity of the clostridial fractions was confirmed by serologic studies. Trenbolone 200 20ml

Dosage And Administration


  1. Primary vaccination: Administer a single 2-mL dose subcutaneously to healthy cattle, followed by a second 2-mL dose of ULTRACHOICE 7, four to six weeks later.
  2. Revaccination: Annual revaccination with a single dose of ULTRACHOICE 7 is recommended. Good management practices support revaccination with ONE SHOT whenever subsequent stress or exposure is likely.


  • Store at 2° C to 8° C. Prolonged exposure to higher temperatures may adversely affect potency. Do not freeze.
  • Use entire contents when first opened.
  • Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter.
  • Not for use in sheep.
  • Contains formalin as a preservative.
  • As with many vaccines, anaphylaxis may occur after use. Initial antidote of epinephrine is recommended and should be followed with appropriate supportive therapy.
  • This product has been shown to be efficacious in healthy animals. A protective immune response may not be elicited if animals are incubating an infectious disease, are malnourished or parasitized, are stressed due to shipment or environmental conditions, are otherwise immunocompromised, or the bacterin-toxoid is not administered in accordance with label directions.
  • Temporary local swelling at injection site may occur after administration.
  • Field reports and a clinical study indicate that a transient reduction in milk production may occur following vaccination of lactating dairy cattle.
  • This product has not been tested in pregnant animals
For use with




Pack sizes

10 – dose vials
50 – dose vials


Oxy-gen 60ml