Vitoline 20ml
Vitoline is indicated for Prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies in animals, particularly during periods of illness, convalescence and general debility. It also has a major role in increasing the efficiency of breathing during running especially at the end of the run and the final distance by activating the respiratory exchange opening and introducing more amounts of oxygen to the blood. Axylin (24 Sachets)
Additional information
Weight 28 g
Dimensions 9 × 5 × 5 cm
Vitoline Is Used In:
- Horses and Cattle
- Calves, Foals, and Sheep
- Weaners and Lambs
Vitolin Composition
- Herbal extract.
Vitolin 20ml Usage
- The product Vitolin should be used according to medical directions or the accompanying instructions for use.
- It is best to consult a veterinarian before using it to ensure safe and effective use.
Store below 25 degree air conditioning
- The Vitolin injectable solution product formulation and method of use may vary by brand, so it is best to follow the manufacturer’s directions or consult your veterinarian. Regu-Mate
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